Cinema - Film - Película (short): David Lynch - Six Figures Getting Sick - The Alphabet - 2 videos

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 12:17

Thanks to death2040Youtube account

Escrita,dirigida y animada por David Lynch.
Este trabajo, también conocido como "Six Men Getting Sick" o "Six Figures Get Sick" fue la primera incursión de Lynch en el cine. 
Lynch sólo hizo su primera película "para ver cómo se mueve una pintura", y se enganchó a ello. 
1966 - David Lynch`s very first short film, gained popularity on the day he projected it. (extracted from the film, The Short Films of David Lynch) Enjoy.  

Thanks to thepesci Youtube Account

Second short film from David Lynch, The Alphabet, shot in 1968. Featuring his wife from then, Peggy. He has been given an award from the American Film Institute for this,

Ricardo Marcenaro

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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