Music: Nguyên Lê Quartet - Butterfly Dream (Photos by Manuel Libres Librodo Jr.)

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 20:48

Thanks To rijogo Youtube account
An original song by french-vietnamese musician Nguyên Lê, included in the album Walking On Tiger's Tail (ACT, 2005) by the Nguyên Lê Quartet, and performed by Nguyên Lê on guitars, Jamey Haddad on percussion, Paul McCandless on clarinet, oboe and saxophones and Art Lande on piano. The incredible photos of Vietnam are by philippino magical photographer Manuel Libres Librodo Jr.'s work "A Glimpse on Vietnam", You can see his marvellous work at
This video was made with the single purpose of letting more people know about the work of the musicians, photographers and artists, whose works are shown. No profit is intended or obtained. If the copyrights owners wish to oppose to its exibition on youtube, just leave a message on the video, and i'll imediatly remove it! 


Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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